Not all dogs should go to the Farmers Market
“I can’t wait to take my dog to the farmer’s market!”
It was from an owner I’d be working with through my board and train program. And her dog is highly reactive. Right away I think - I’m not sure that will be possible for you. Not that reactive dogs in recovery (as I like to call them) can’t ever go to the farmer’s market, but I really don’t think all dogs belong there. “I hope we can make that happen,” I commented back. But - it might not be in her best interest.
I do enjoy a farmer’s market outing with a dog, but I also think some dogs would much rather be at home - playing fetch - walking around the neighborhood - anything else. When I think about reactivity and exposing our reactive dogs to things that could possibly trigger them, I much prefer exposure to unavoidable things they will experience in their daily life rather than focusing on occasional and completely avoidable triggers (aka… the farmer’s market). I challenge you to ask yourself why you want to bring your dog to the farmer’s market… is it because you actually think your dog needs to go on outings like this or just because it seems like it should be something a dog owner does with their trained dog?
I get it. Taking your dog to the farmers market feels like the ultimate owner flex and a lot of trainers (myself included) use the farmers market as a training opportunity. We take once reactive dogs to the market to show what’s possible. But, here’s the catch - I dont think all dogs should go to the farmer’s market and I don’t take all of my board and train dogs there either. So if you're an owner dreaming of the day when you can snap a selfie of you, your dog and a cute tote filled with all the local veggies 🤳🏼 here are some reasons why it might be in your dog’s best interest to pick a new goal.
Continued exposure around things that make your dog nervous (like my dog Louie with the Farmer’s Market) can lead to more confidence around those very things. I see it all the time with training dogs and it's pretty wonderful. But do I need Louie to be great at a farmer’s market? Not really. Can I still expect her to walk nicely with me when out and about and we’re around people? Absolutely. If I can tell my dog hates being at the farmer’s market, do I really need to bring her? No.
Meet Louie 👋🏼 She’s so sweet with us, high prey drive, reactive to new people, didn’t learn to relax in her down command until she was two. Outings like the Farmer’s Market are tough for her.
Some things to consider:
If you’re wishing your dog was a farmer’s market dog, but they’re not, here are some things to consider. I’m a big believer that dogs don’t have to love everything we ask them to do. The place command is a great example - dog’s don’t love laying on a place cot but it's super beneficial for them (hello, calmer mindset) and us (our happiness matters too). But when it comes to the farmer’s market, Louie just isn’t one of those dogs - and I’m okay with it. The farmer’s market isn’t an everyday occurrence and therefore, it’s not critical for her to be able to function in this environment. I would rather focus my training efforts with her on things that are unavoidable and she will experience frequently. So, if you are in the thick of training your reactive dog and dreaming of the day they will be able to do a farmer’s market trip but also know it just isn’t their vibe… think of things your dog loves to do. What other cool stuff can you do that brings you both joy? Go walk in a new area. Make time for fetch if your dog loves it. Have a picnic in the park and bring your dog with you for some outdoor place time.
Some things worth exposing your dog to- even if they don't like it:
The vacuum cleaner. I don't know about you but that’s a daily sound in our home (mom of four shedding dogs here). Lots of dogs are nervous about the sound of a vacuum, but helping them learn to relax when it’s on can be very beneficial for their confidence. The place command is great for exposing your dog to the vacuum cleaner while giving them a defined job.
Garbage trucks. The thing about trucks is you can’t avoid them - or at least not the sound. Getting your dog to focus on a job when walking (HEEL command is my go-to job) can help give your dog a major confidence boost over time because you're being clear about what they should do in those nervy moments. Another way to tackle this is to step off the side of the road in an area near the garbage truck and give your dog the DOWN command. Another job for your dog while exposing them to a trigger.
Car rides. Unless you plan on never taking your dog anywhere, exposure to car rides is crucial. Start with a travel kennel for a safe space or the down command during the drive.
So next time you’re thinking “I wish I could take my dog to the farmer’s market,” think about why you want to do this. Is it for the exposure, the connection, or just the flex of being able to take your dog to the farmer’s market. If your dog isn’t triggered by loud noises, lots of people, other dogs… go for it! But if your dog is reactive, nervy, or just antisocial - give yourself permission to use a different form of exposure that will be more beneficial for your dog in the long run.
Learn more about dog training exposure & all things ecollar with my Ultimate Reactive Dog Bundle & Video Library!